Introducing Blu Ocean Games Guild

Blu Ocean Games Guild
5 min readApr 21, 2022


Blu Ocean Games Guild Banner. A web3 play to earn gaming guild with a focus on Heroes of Mavia, Farmers World, and Bomb Crypto. Also closely tied to Blu Ocean Crypto

Created by our founder, Nathan Pay, in late 2021 Blu Ocean Games Guild (BOGG) aims to be a unique web3 game guild with a primary focus on Heroes of Mavia but also a part of many other top-tier Play-To-Earn Games.

Before we get started we feel it is important you understand what makes Blu Ocean Games Guild (BOGG) unique. We actually differ from a typical web3 game guild or crypto project. In fact, we’re not a crypto or gamefi project at all. We are focused on being a ‘collaboration of players’ forming a community that comes together to play games under one united front for many reasons in the Play-To-Earn space such as for: a competitive focus, web3 education purposes, a sense of community, or help getting started with some of the web3 games that we play as a few examples.

Our guild’s vision unites web2 versions of traditional game guilds, as well as web3. We asked ourselves what we felt was a fundamental question while building in this space. How are game guilds planning for a competitive scene? To further that point, how can top-tier teams be formed if there is only an application/scholar process in most web3 game guilds that split earnings by allowing a ‘scholar’ to use a lent out in-game NFT? We fear this will keep most game guilds out of the competitive scene or not be able to properly compete at a high level in a lot of web3 games. So with BOGG, there are no public scholar programs. However, if there is a mutually beneficial situation where the guild can assist a member with assets, it can be looked at on a case-by-case basis and unlike most games guilds this isn’t a requirement in order to be in the guild.

We understand a lot of game guilds are running this scholar model quite successfully and have nothing but the utmost respect for them, but we feel the desire to expand beyond this and build differently due to the points mentioned above. We will also have plentiful rewards, giveaways, and many other ways to incentivize our competitive teams and promote inspiration within our community.

The best example of this: Heroes of Mavia, players who own their own assets (Land, Hero, and Statue NFTs) are able to join our guild without needing to operate any guild assets, as well as Free-To-Play players. Essentially all types of Heroes of Mavia players are welcome regardless of your reasons or goals to be playing the game. We even have tiered in-game alliances from e-sports competitive level all the way to casual and will have more on this in a future article.

BOGG Games

Blu Ocean Games Guild. Taking Play To Earn Gaming to another level. Social Media Banner. Close ties to Blu Ocean Crypto and a focus on Heroes of Mavia, Farmers World, and Bomb Crypto.

Heroes of Mavia is the first AAA Blockchain Base Builder Game that offers a high degree of interaction, customization, and a level of detail unheard of previously.

You will be commanding an army to victory which is composed of infantry, vehicle, and air units.

One way to earn $RUBY (one of two native in-game tokens) is by conquering enemy bases throughout the fantasy-themed island realm of Mavia. You can also earn in-game non-token resources such as gold and oil. These can be used to upgrade your base and troops, train your troops, etc. There are 3 main types of NFTs within the game:

  1. Land — the primary NFT asset in Mavia that is required for building a base and training an army.
  2. Heroes — super-troops that help defend your base against attackers and assist your army in offensive battles.
  3. Statues — enhance your base performance by providing helpful boosts to your army and resources.

However, you can play as a Free-To-Play player and learn more about the NFT aspects as you go or just play that way completely!

Farmers World is one of the largest communities of NFT games with over 150,000 players all over the world. Farmers can farm Gold, Wood, Food, Animals, Crops, and more, all in the form of NFTs or Tokens. With updates coming for PVP and extra features such as adding Border Collies and Farm Defense, this WAX title continues going strong.

Although there is no competitive aspect yet to the game, we are sure once PVP comes out this can be more accommodating; however, we doubt this game will come even close to what Heroes of Mavia will be able to achieve from a competitive aspect.

Bomb Crypto which is an NFT pixel-art bomber game that has Play-To-Earn mechanics in a familiar way based upon the old bomber man games. You manage bomber heroes, explore the world together, and defeat monsters and bosses to free kingdoms under attack and get tokens! BOGG has a lot of fun playing this one and it has helped our members learn about web3 and cryptocurrencies when new to this space.

The game has a habit of moving at a somewhat fast pace with many announcements, updates, and changes which, we feel, is good training for Play-To-Earn projects in general!

Blu Ocean Games Guild (BOGG) has close ties to the Blu Ocean Crypto (BOC) Community which can be seen and followed on YouTube here:

BOC aims to help onboard and educate as many people as possible about crypto, web3, and particularly Play-To-Earn games with a heavy focus on the competitive scene and streaming Heroes of Mavia matches at the highest level. While BOGG has its focus specifically on games and actually playing them!

Whether you are interested in learning more or just want to stop by and say hello, be sure to join our Blu Ocean community here:

Thanks for spending a bit of time with us today and learning about who we are and our vision with Blu Ocean Games Guild!

